
Albi Carrosserie Carotec Inc.

1601, boul. Saint-Martin Est,
Laval, QC,
H7G 4R4

Phone: T: 450 6295629 F: 450 6290420

Schedule: Monday: 7:30 to 16:30 Tuesday: 7:30 to 16:30 Wednesday: 7:30 to 16:30 Thursday: 7:30 to 16:30 Friday: 7:30 to 13:30 Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed

Estimate appointment

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CarrXpert - Albi Carrosserie Carotec Inc.
1601, boul. Saint-Martin Est, Laval, QC H7G 4R4
Your nearest repair shop:
1601, boul. Saint-Martin Est, Laval, QC H7G 4R4
Your nearest repair shop:
1601, boul. Saint-Martin Est, Laval, QC H7G 4R4